Comments on: State Aid for Tiny Homes for Homeless in San Jose Comes up $9.4M Short A look inside San Jose politics and culture Sun, 02 Jun 2024 18:54:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: SJ Kulak Sun, 02 Jun 2024 18:54:34 +0000 Several companies said a handful of cities have reached out and expressed interest. But without cash from the state, many are finding it hard to pull the trigger.


you people are such marks

no money for $18000 units, but billions for $1M SROs

how can you people be so blinded by your ideological possession that you cannot see this for what it is, a scam?

By: KH Thu, 30 May 2024 21:51:07 +0000 I thought the point of interim housing was to get people off the streets until they reach the top of the waiting list for permanent housing. Of course nobody wants to go back to the street, which is the offer we have for the people in at the Extended Stay.

So you’re saying that the interim housing should be so bad that people don’t mind going back to the streets after some arbitrary period in the tiny homes? What even is the point of building interim housing if we’re only going to shuttle people back and forth between that and the streets/creeks?

We need permanent housing for people to transition INTO from interim housing. We can’t just spend all our Measure E money on interim housing and either expect people to stay there indefinitely or go back to the streets after they finally started to re-acclimate to living indoors. With or without a private bathroom, 70 square feet is the size of a walk-in closet. How long is it humane to expect someone to live in a space that small?

Most unhoused people actually have jobs that don’t pay enough for rent, or they’re elderly/disabled and on Social Security. Giving someone who’s too old to work a tiny home and some “job skills” and “resume building” isn’t going to make them self-sufficient. Making someone quit the job they have to get different job skills isn’t necessarily a good plan either.

If we decide anyone who can’t earn enough to afford an apartment needs to leave San Jose, that’s going to decimate the local economy. Because that includes retail, fast food, and higher skilled jobs such as entry-level City workers, teachers, and most service jobs such as janitorial, landscaping, etc. It is not reasonable to expect them to commute from Fresno or Gary, Indiana and those cities don’t have enough jobs to support the people displaced from San Jose. Long commutes have significant climate impact as well as the health effects of air pollution and cost of fuel and maintenance.

Seniors and Disabled people who live on Social Security benefits need to be where they can get medical care and where they don’t depend on cars to get around. Forcing them to live far from their families also breaks their social safety net so they’re likelier to end up in a nursing home. It harms their families if Grandma was helping with child care before she was relocated.

And not everyone who’s unhoused and has significant behavioral health problems will be able to work after getting treatment. I live in affordable housing with a quota of formerly unhoused people, and a few of them I would hire for an IHSS caregiver but most of them I wouldn’t trust in my home. They still deserve to live in humane conditions even so.

By: Betty Zircon Thu, 30 May 2024 02:22:23 +0000 $9.4 million can buy/refurbish a lot of houses in Gary, Indiana where the cost of living is excellent. Come on San Jose/California take this solution to end the homeless crisis!

By: Ralph Thu, 30 May 2024 00:18:36 +0000 Instead of saying the State aid is $9M short, how about the City plans are $9M more than the promised assistance.

Perhaps we don’t need individual bathrooms in each unit, which significantly raises the cost, plus all the plumbing and installation. Let’s not make these sheds so comfortable that people never want to leave, like those currently in hotels that need to move out after months of living there and are whining now.

There is no end game to the homeless industrial complex. We still don’t require the homeless to become self-sufficient or take responsibility for themselves. The city and NGOs just keep coming up with more ways to spend tax-payer funds, which they think is endlessly available.

By: Meyer Weed Tue, 28 May 2024 20:10:58 +0000 At the end of the day This BS Tiny Home scam is following right along with the High Speed Rail scam. Changing “parameters” time lines… here’s the cash do what you want with it we’ll just raise taxes and pass bond measures is how these California politicians roll.

