Comments on: Valley Water Spends $2.4M to Collect Trash in Local Waterways A look inside San Jose politics and culture Fri, 08 Sep 2023 19:17:16 +0000 hourly 1 By: time to be honest Fri, 08 Sep 2023 19:17:16 +0000 Well, they are going to need A LOT more money than that to clean up the waterways. Tucker Construction will burn through $2.4 million in the first quarter, then have their hand out for more. All of these efforts are a true reflection of the failed efforts to solve homelessness at the City and County level. Every very expensive motel program is a product of the lack of shelters – we waste tens of millions to help less people due to the failed addressing of the unsheltered crisis. Every “garbage removal” program is simply trying (but failing) to keep up with the amount of garbage and human waste 6,000+ homeless create – and this ties back to the lack of shelter. All of those garbage piles represent failed City policy/programs. Remnants of Harm Reduction programs, which have escalated, not reduced overdoses, are in parks and on side-walks as those needles with orange caps are everywhere, and people are walking around strung out or high on drugs or experiencing psychosis due to lack of treatment. Narcan doesn’t reduce deaths – if it did, then we wouldn’t see massive escalations in overdoses with Narcan being used so much in areas like SF, San Jose, CA. Narcan is part of a larger system that enables (doesn’t treat or help) addicts, and with a drug like Fentanyl, so powerful, you see the actual results of what “Harm Reduction” is capable of. A lot of death. Narcan kicks the can for some, as it is supposed to be for an emergency, not everyday use – so allowing addicts to use, the give Narcan to revive, is a cycle that always ends bad because it doesn’t end with treatment.

Every disabled person who needs Permanent Housing put into Rapid Rehousing programs is a disgrace. Using programs intended for other populations to serve the most vulnerable, who need more support, is one of the biggest failures of the County/City. I can go on and on and on……

By: NWS Sat, 02 Sep 2023 14:23:30 +0000 Don’t like the way this company operates. I think its shady.
