Comments on: CA Cities Offer Range of Alternate Shelters When They Clear Homeless Camps A look inside San Jose politics and culture Thu, 14 Sep 2023 20:21:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: time to be honest Thu, 14 Sep 2023 20:21:09 +0000 San Jose Parks, trails and creek beds are filled with tents – and what look like 3rd world conditions. The reason? San Jose has a fraction of shelter beds to meet the need – and relies on operators who not only charge millions to operate shelters and warming locations…they also don’t do a good job.

“Leaders” in the Housing industry like Ray Bramson, Jennifer Loving, Ky Le, etc., told everyone that “building housing and giving everyone an apartment is the only solution.” With thousands unsheltered on the streets already – they got Measure A passed via false advertisement and have built maybe 100-200 units a year since. FAR under the anticipated goal of 4800 units, and far overbudget – so what we were told in 2016 won’t happen in near the time committed, and for much more money.

They were wrong.

Bypassing shelters that can help people now removed the authority and opportunity to enforce laws on the many bad actors embedded in the creeks, trails and parks (i.e., drug users and criminals) – and also left people who want help suffering with nothing. Also, this notion of building “tiny homes” which takes much longer and is much more expensive and helps much less people on the land they are placed – is another goofy idea. Use the land to build congregate shelters to help to most people in the fastest way and maximize the funds we have as opposed to wasting them.

1) Build shelters that meet the need and by subpopulation – it’s an emergency.
2) Redirect ALL Housing First resources to families, the elderly – the program does NOT work for drug users and the mentally ill. Apartments are NOT treatment, every Housing First study backs that up.
3) Shut down ALL Harm Reduction programs that have escalated, not limited drug overdoses. Fentanyl has exposed that model for what it is – an enablement system that gives users more access to drugs, and with such powerful drugs on the street – it’s easy to see that Harm Reduction increases overdoses. The numbers are clear in every area that runs that model – overdoses are higher than ever.
4) Provide actual treatment to the mentally ill and those on drugs.
5. Once 1, 2,3 and 4 are rolling – enforce laws.

The leaders on this issue have failed. It’s time to acknowledge it and pivot.
