Comments on: Is Housing A Human Right? California Voters Could Decide A look inside San Jose politics and culture Fri, 16 Jun 2023 17:03:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: Work90 Fri, 16 Jun 2023 17:03:11 +0000 Everyone should have something on the line in order to have the right to vote.

Perhaps people who do one of the following:

Own real property
Are a U.S. Military Veteran
Own a real business (doing X volume of business per year)
Have paid X volume of income tax over the previous three year.

This way the freeloaders can’t vote themselves free stuff. Because once there is more freeloaders voting than producers, then we get what we have here in CA.

By: DMW Fri, 16 Jun 2023 04:43:38 +0000 If housing is a right, then wouldn’t food, water, health care, heating and air conditioning, clothing, a nice vacation every year to keep up your health, a car to get those groceries and go to medical appointments and on vacation, etc., be rights also?

Economics 101: throw money at something, and you get more of that thing. The only thing that housing as a “human right” will bring about is: 1) massively increased immigration to CA to take advantage of that human right; and 2) massively increased state bureaucracy to manage that human right—that is, more taxes to throw at homelessness, more immigration to take advantage of the housing, more government bureaucracy to manage the housing and the increased number of people, more taxes to support that government, etc., etc., in an ever-increasing vicious circle. Oh, and increased population leads to increased demand for housing—which increased its cost.

An excellent book: “The Quest for Cosmic Justice” by Thomas Sowell. His main point? All the policies that appear compassionate, and make their designers feel good about themselves, hurt everyone—and in particular, they very people that they ostensibly want to help.

By: Mercury Miner Fri, 16 Jun 2023 04:25:58 +0000 A Constitutional Amendment might just be a bunch of hot air, but if it carries legal teeth, it will result in massive legal chaos as greedy advocates and political activists try to get stuff that does not belong to them.

California people pushed politicians and bureaucrats to control every activity of any sort. Market interference destroyed competition and free association. It lead to horrible monopolistic positions. It created a natural landscape so neglected and ill managed that it is now burning down due to overgrowth. Who is to blame? Rental property owners and climate change- of course!

By: Thereliableinformer Thu, 15 Jun 2023 16:51:25 +0000 Hey JAFO they are sentencing themselves to death not the hardworking taxpayers! We are just footing the bill for their own self destructivness. Oh the crime is usually public over intoxication, Drug use, stealing for the drug use, the drug use that onsets mental issues which then lead to violent outbursts against the citizen who follows the laws and is productive. Your scenario is broken pal! Time to wake up

By: Work90 Thu, 15 Jun 2023 16:18:22 +0000 “Some people you just can’t reach”

By: JAFO Thu, 15 Jun 2023 04:33:39 +0000 Just an Observation

Yes lets prosecute the poor, disabled, elderly, and homeless for being a drain on the economy.

Then sentence them to death.

It constitutional right?

What crime did a homeless person do, other than being homeless? or the others for that matter?

Remember we need to use due process of law under the Federal and state Constitutions

By: Bob Wed, 14 Jun 2023 18:09:52 +0000 Enforce existing laws and you will solve “homelessness.”

By: Not Suckered Wed, 14 Jun 2023 03:33:30 +0000 Of course it isn’t, but plenty of lefties will say until (ahem) blue in the face that it is.

Blue is from hypoxia.

By: Time to be Honest Tue, 13 Jun 2023 22:32:35 +0000 No. It is not. And, the question for CA, where many people migrate here from out of state for its relaxed laws on open camping and drug-use, or the people who come from Modesto to places like San Francisco, Oakland and San Jose for the same reason….do we build them all homes, too?

Is CA going to be the “sanctuary state” for not only abortions and gender affirming surgeries, but also for free houses, too? Give me a break!
