Comments on: California’s Housing Crackdown Could Force Cities to Plan More Homeless Shelters A look inside San Jose politics and culture Mon, 15 May 2023 03:12:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: Local Yokel Reprise Mon, 15 May 2023 03:12:41 +0000 Housing crackdown and forced planning for more housing, implying a requirement, not just a fatuous and fake obligation, to see more housing built in communities, coming from Sacramento should be accompanied with the money to support it and all its externalities, unlike explicit language routinely in housing bills to deny such mandate funding as required by the state constitution. Provide the money or nothing should happen, all the way to no plans or authorization for more housing.

By: Time to be Honest Tue, 02 May 2023 20:28:18 +0000 This is a no brainer and has been for many years now, especially for those who saw the Apartments for All plan (Housing First) failing miserably. Particularly because we tried this intervention with many mentally ill and substance abusers, where this model has NO evidence of helping them. None, from a psychiatric and substance abuse stand-point. Study after study state that Housing First works for populations WITHOUT severe mental illness or substance abuse issues.

So the Apartments for All plan, which costs billions and requires decades to construct just doesn’t make sense when you have thousands upon thousands of people wandering around, clearly suffering in their own skin.

Build shelters NOW through the Sprung Tent system for those with the most complex needs – they need their own space. Then one for families and seniors, where they can feel safe. Then one for women. Direct all Housing First units to the elderly on fixed incomes, poor families and populations where it will actually work. Then, enforce laws on the many taking advantage of CA’s policies that have fostered an enablement culture.

Move the current leaders out of the way – they failed. Jennifer Loving and/or Ray Bramson have ZERO expertise in mental health and treatment – and have no business telling everyone something will work for those populations when in reality they have NO idea.
