Comments on: CA Supreme Court Removes Anti-tax Measure From November Ballot A look inside San Jose politics and culture Wed, 03 Jul 2024 00:04:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: Not Suckered Wed, 03 Jul 2024 00:04:41 +0000 outcomes unconstitutional. He has been associated with the likewise radical, misnamed American Constitution Society and was one of those along with Pamela Karlan hoped to be a choice by Obama for the U. S. Supreme Court. It's also wrong, as it is irrelevant, but supports his activism that he refers to the effects of this measure (as bad or harmful) rather than correctly addressing the legal or arguable state constitutional propriety. What a death spiral or power dive, given so many in the state want this "stuff."]]> This article is aged, but note that there are what look like errors in the ruling as well as the generations-old staple of modern liberalism, judicial activism. In this case with at least one example, Liu in “invalidating” the ballot measure refers to a ruling immediately preceding that he provided as an example of what is valid, and different than what is being sought in the ballot measure.

Moreover, Liu is known as a true far leftist, among those who are liberal to radical even among those in favor of judicial activism, among those wanting courts to find or as they have said, even create new “rights” to all kinds of government benefits, just as Chemerinsky has with a right to education, later a guaranteed income, as well as finding all Disparate™ outcomes unconstitutional. He has been associated with the likewise radical, misnamed American Constitution Society

and was one of those along with Pamela Karlan hoped to be a choice by Obama for the U. S. Supreme Court. It’s also wrong, as it is irrelevant, but supports his activism that he refers to the effects of this measure (as bad or harmful) rather than correctly addressing the legal or arguable state constitutional propriety.

What a death spiral or power dive, given so many in the state want this “stuff.”

By: Expert Repairman Fri, 21 Jun 2024 21:11:13 +0000 As a small biz owner and repairman it would be nice to see some tax breaks. That’s too much to ask for I suppose?

By: SJ Kulak Fri, 21 Jun 2024 21:06:32 +0000 So, this is how democracy dies… in Californian courts.

You people are such marks.
