Comments on: After Prop. 22 Win in California, Labor Groups Vow Challenges A look inside San Jose politics and culture Fri, 20 Nov 2020 14:02:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kenneth A Martinson Fri, 20 Nov 2020 14:02:12 +0000 The Uber/Lyft propaganda campaign of lies unfortunately fooled Californians into voting for this dangerous bill which now has created a permanent underclass of workers without benefits or rights to unionize. Did Uber/Lyft pay record millions of dollars to pass this do they could pay drivers more money?? Of course not! Think people, think.

By: john Sat, 07 Nov 2020 00:59:33 +0000 From the article, Ms Slason is doing pretty good. She’s glad it passed. It’s great she can make some money on the side, so she can fund her degree. A union-based operation would crush all app-based gigs, leaving Ms Slason with nothing.

—- excerpt —
At an average $20 to 30 an hour before expenses, she was soon working full-time and “making more than I ever have,” and quit her two other jobs at a café and as a math tutor. She moved into a hotel, then an Airbnb, then her own place. With AB 5, Slason was horrified that income would go away, so she became a vocal supporter of Prop. 22 to keep working when she chooses as she finishes a computer science degree.

By: Marc S. Sat, 07 Nov 2020 00:06:58 +0000 Ok John, if these gig jobs are so good as you say how about you go and try living for a year doing it yourself and let us all know how great its been for you? Its easy to make such claims when you sit comfortably doing something that pays you more than minimum wage and no benefits

By: Econoclast Fri, 06 Nov 2020 21:22:20 +0000 Organized labor should be much more oriented toward organizing workers, including gig workers, and the communities in which workers live and far less toward seeking redress in the courts or in lobbying a Biden administration. Despite Obama’s campaign promises in 2008 ( web/20090910083515/, the Obama-Biden administration did not lift a finger to advance the Employee Free Choice Act, legislation that would have enhanced the ability of workers to join unions. Even though the legislation passed the House of Representatives in 2009, it eventually died in the Senate, then occupied by a 60-person Democratic majority ( AR2010020902465.html;

Biden did not even make any promises on this score at all during the campaign. He certainly won’t be open to pro-worker legislation after assuming office. And courts are increasingly pro-capital and anti-worker. If unions have the allegiance of workers and their communities, something difficult to obtain and maintain, then victory against employers and their allies in the government, is almost a certainty.

The need to fight Proposition 22 no doubt necessitated spending union funds. But just think about how many organizers could be fielded and supported with $20 million, how much basic “shop floor” and community organizing could be accomplished. La lucha continua hacia la victoria siempre. Solidarity.

By: John Fri, 06 Nov 2020 20:57:47 +0000 The people of California have clearly spoken. These app-based gigs are actually GOOD for the state. Our union-backed legislators are clueless.
