Comments on: Cal State’s Black Students Are Falling Behind Other Groups A look inside San Jose politics and culture Sat, 30 Jul 2022 19:07:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: HB Sat, 30 Jul 2022 19:07:37 +0000 The very concept of keeping track of people and outcomes by race leads us to a very dark place.

How about we have admissions based upon performance (don’t let the admissions officer see the person’s name, address, race or gender. Try that and let’s see who gets admitted.

The high failure rate is often due to accepting students who cannot compete.

By: Opinions are OK Tue, 26 Jul 2022 17:41:20 +0000 And as a note – Latino students, I believe, have been the largest population of graduates from SJSU for the last few years, which I believe shows tremendous progress. This should be noted.

By: Opinions are OK Tue, 26 Jul 2022 17:38:14 +0000 Let’s be honest for a moment, and do our best not to avoid the root cause here, which isn’t racism – besides the “subtle racism of low expectations.” The Bay Area and CA claims to be very inclusive – and it’s certainly a diverse area, particularly the Bay Area, with no true majority. So, let’s just rule out the buzz word “white supremacy” or even “lack of access.” The real issue: It is a trend in this state and nationally that black students fall behind their peers in other groups, and it’s also true that 70% of black children are born into single-parent households, where support is already reduced by at least 50%. It’s also true, especially in progressive cities, that public schools serving poor communities, majority black (but schools stink in poor communities, regardless of color), are in shambles…from the infrastructure to the instruction (very high turnover). Look at Oakland, LA, Philly, Detroit, etc.

So what have we done? We haven’t fixed the root cause because the schools serving students from a very young age already failed them – and there isn’t the support at home. That is a perfect storm of challenges for a child. Again, in these very diverse areas, it isn’t white supremacy that is the issue – it is the “leaders”, many the same color as those students, failing to serve their populations. Failing to have a plan. Failing to take accountability to address the root cause.

California’s solution? Remove any barrier for a black student, so they can get access to a university – but DON’T set them up for success when they arrive on Day 1. It was never only the access needed – it was the infrastructure and support starting from childhood, which many are not getting. So, we remove testing requirements that help determine preparation and we just expect people to succeed when they have been set up for failure by these same academic institutions? And much of that failure is scapegoating other groups and “systems” arbitrarily – while missing the mark on actual root causes. It’s harder to take accountability and work-hard – as opposed to just blaming others.

The leaders are the problem. The systems these diverse groups built are failing the students – and instead of removing every barrier, we should be teaching students from a young age, on how to navigate these barriers on their own. Democrat policy is best defined as the “subtle bigotry of low expectations.” That is what we see here.

By: Blazer Tue, 26 Jul 2022 03:13:50 +0000 What exactly is CSU supposed to do? Is the system supposed to lower graduation standards? Want higher admission rates for Blacks? Is CSU supposed to lower the admissions standards based on race? I was just at SLO Days at Cal Poly. 16,000 students with 4.0 GPAs were denied admission. By their own admission, they said they needed to work on diversity, but that left me scratching my head because how are they supposed to do that? The only way to accomplish reducing the “equity gap” is lower standards, race based admissions, or both. Are Blacks with 4.0 or better GPAs being turned away? Are Blacks who maintain a 2.0 GPA being denied graduation? Everywhere I go, I see institutions bending over backwards for people of color or gender identification. The truth is there’s never been a better time than now to take advantage of the opportunities afforded people of color. It’s not CSU’s responsibility to do homework, take tests, and participate in extra-curricular activities required to be competitive enough to gain admission into CSU/UC just like it’s not CSU/UC’s responsibility to do a student’s work to fulfill graduation requirements.

By: CA Patriot Fri, 15 Jul 2022 20:19:44 +0000 This is more a K-12 Public School problem – not focusing on core subjects (Math, English, Reading, Science) and pushing Diversity, Inclusion and Equity (DIE) goals for learning and graduation without merit has resulted in large groups of students (across all categories) not meeting basic standard for higher education.
How can you expect them to perform at a college or university level when they were passed on from grade to grade without established performance level achievement?
California and the U.S. in general spends much more in public education when measured per student, but most of those dollars are being wasted on administration / bureaucracy and bad policy costs.
What is needed is Competition in the form of Private and Charter Schools, Parental Involvement,
and reducing public school administration costs to the advantage of teachers and students.

If you are trying to start your measurements and “educating” once they are college age – the battle is already near lost.

By: Bob Fri, 15 Jul 2022 17:02:28 +0000 So, according to the data, there are equity gaps (specifically graduation rate) by race, socioeconomic status, and gender, as well as other groupings. What I don’t see is any data that points to a reason or reasons for these gaps. I also don’t see any data that points to “fixes” for these gaps, or that they need to be fixed at all. Isn’t it understandable that different groups will behave differently? I don’t see any data that support the notion that any of these groups has been purposefully denied the ability to graduate from college. What I did perceive in the above article, and maybe it’s incorrect, is an attempt to point a guilty finger at specific colleges that have wider equity gaps than the average, specifically Cal Poly SLO, as if that college is doing something wrong. Isn’t it also understandable that some colleges have different demographics, but are not purposefully denying anyone?
