Comments on: Santa Clara County Reports Highest Eviction Rate Increase in CA A look inside San Jose politics and culture Wed, 22 Nov 2023 23:42:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sam Wed, 22 Nov 2023 23:42:54 +0000 Where did you get your #’s for Santa Clara County? Your numbers are way below what the real numbers are.
Maybe you should take a trip to the clerk’s office or come watch court in Dept 4 W-F.

In August 2023 alone there were over 400 filings, compared to August 2019 there just 49 filings. I do not think this constitutes a 35% increase.

By: Joe Smith Wed, 22 Nov 2023 06:20:59 +0000 “Santa Clara County Reports Highest Eviction Rate Increase in CA”

Finally a good news story in Santa Clara County. Thank you San Jose Inside.

By: SJ Kulak Wed, 22 Nov 2023 06:04:52 +0000 Thou shall not steal.

Eviction Moratoriums are theft pure and simple.

If the state made a deal with the landlords for partial payment or concessions on property taxes or municipal utilities, fine. Great.

If the tenant made a deal with the landlords, paying some rent – what they can, possible getting some help from family, promises to pay now and perhaps forgive a few months, also fine. Great.

But since we are talking evictions, a costly and time-consuming action to the landlord brought because of complete, continuous, and chronic breach of contract, which means no deals, no discussion, no relief was extended. And since it is a moratorium, a government action back by the threat of their monopoly on violence, it is state sanctioned theft.

If you are hiding behind a moratorium, you are a thief, if you back the state putting a rifle up the nose of landlords to eat this lose for years, you are an accessory to said theft.

You all should be ashamed of yourself for this evil, mob-rule group think that somehow this is not only justified but righteous.

Shame. On. You.

By: Time to be Honest Tue, 21 Nov 2023 19:37:09 +0000 San Jose Inside actually researches when preparing their articles, unlike San Jose Spotlight. Nice piece.

Now, I wonder if the additional evictions above pre-pandemic levels we are seeing is because more landlords are leaving the market, especially after the government strong-armed them into allowing people to live rent free for so long? Sure, the government “helped” them by giving tax-payer money to cover some of the losses – but many tenants never went back to work, and took advantage of the moratorium – and the State/taxpayer support only made up for SOME losses. This infuriated landlords – as it should. Just in this article – you still have advocates/tenants complaining when they have $7,000 + in back rent. Unbelievable.

An interesting article and follow-up to this would be how programs/laws/policies intended to “help” actually hurt the people getting assisted more in the long run. For example, rent control in San Jose. It only applies to older housing stock (1979 and before I think) that is already more affordable then newer market rate apartments. Many are older landlords rent control applies to – and many have decided to leave the market because of these strong arm policies. So, the City, in an effort to “help” squeezes the property owners with the already most affordable housing on the market – and they leave the market leaving LESS units that are affordable for low/moderate income. It’s insanity.

100% Permanent Supportive Housing especially with properties with unit count above 50 – like Villas on the Park and Second Street Studios. Taxpayers flip the bill for every unit at these properties – and these places are unequipped institutions pretty much. The damages at the buildings from the tenants result in massive operating/maintenance costs – and many people need actual treatment, not a PATH or Abode Case Manager. 100% of people are disabled – many with severe mental illness – cops are always at these places, and the City/County lie about the reality of managing these properties.

I can list other things CA does, like Harm Reduction programs – giving away constant entitlements that deter individual motivation/productivity – giving kids in Los Gatos EBT cards with a hundred bucks a month (we don’t need it) – Ethnic Studies creating massive divisions and pushing new-age racism – allowing illegal camps everywhere.

Good deeds go punished here for your average resident in CA. Whether it’s eviction moratoriums, PSH, etc., these well intended efforts have completely backfired.

By: Steve Malech Mon, 20 Nov 2023 23:01:37 +0000 To my surprise, this was real journalism – nice work
