Comments on: Legislators Look at Expanding Employee Safety Laws to Include California’s Domestic Workers A look inside San Jose politics and culture Sun, 05 Mar 2023 04:04:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: Joe Smith Sun, 05 Mar 2023 04:04:21 +0000 So they’re going to require everyone who employs workers in their homes to comply with ADA access requirements, post all the notices you see in businesses, apply special labels and lock certain chemicals normally used in homes, provide insurance, and so on? Will likely also require a small army of government bureaucrats to inspect everyones homes before they get licensed to employ someone to do things such as clean their homes or carpets. What about repairing their toilets and water heaters? Will that also require the homeowner to have these special licenses? Seems to me this is just another way for the government to get into our homes and control our lives. The end result will be fewer people employed. A seemingly typical goal in CA.
