Comments on: Bonta Aims CA Lawsuits against McDonald’s, Dupont A look inside San Jose politics and culture Fri, 02 Dec 2022 01:06:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: JAFO Fri, 02 Dec 2022 01:06:21 +0000 Just an Observation,

On top of what was described above, companies are PAID money to hire disabled people through the Federal Rehabilitation Act. So not only can they pay less, but they get paid a bonus.

On top of possibly STATE funded subsidies to hire under appreciated people with the SAME productivity as able bodied workers. These companies will NOT hire less productive workers.

I finally feel a little comfort knowing at least there is 1 more honest person reading this website

By: KH Thu, 01 Dec 2022 21:19:37 +0000 I am also a business owner and I second JAFO’s comment.

Local business advisors at SCORE and the SBDC advised me to subcontract my jewelry assembly to sheltered workshops that pay Disabled workers below minimum wage so I can undercut my competitors who are paying market wages in California.

That loophole in minimum wage laws is based on the premise that if a Disabled worker’s productivity is, for example, 50% of a free market worker’s productivity, they should get 50% of minimum wage so it won’t cost 2x as much to get the same amount of productivity. In practice, however, the ratio is frequently calculated using an unreasonably high benchmark. That is why the below-market wages can be such a good bargain that it’s cheaper to use the sheltered workshops for assembly, envelope stuffing, etc. even when the contractor’s overhead is included. That was true even when it was possible to hire non-disabled people at minimum wage instead of needing to offer a higher living wage. And if a Disabled person doesn’t have access to the open job market (because they live in a group home or family situation where they can’t just search job ads and go to interviews, etc.) then they are trapped in the sheltered workshop system.

Likewise, prisoners are also used for cheap forced labor thanks to the exemption of prisons from the 13th Amendment banning slavery in the US.

By: JAFO Thu, 01 Dec 2022 05:06:40 +0000 Just an observation,

If the public policy is NOT complied with, it is NOT LEGAL HARRASSMENT.

The market is dictated by PUBLIC POLICY forces, a contract is invalid if it violates any PUBLIC POLICY that regulates it.

The MARKET fails so badly that it FORCES public policies to remedy its failures. If the MARKET was so good, these rules would not be necessary. Talking as a person with 2 Business Degrees.

Just like the PRIVATE housing market, most other markets in the state of CA are based on not outperforming competitors, it is based on trying to find any loophole to cheat either your workers or your customers, right?

What better alternative can you provide with PROOF that it will work?

By: HB Thu, 01 Dec 2022 01:59:33 +0000 How is this for a solution: Let the market solve the problem. Stop all this legal harassment.

By: JAFO Wed, 30 Nov 2022 19:49:39 +0000 Just an Observation

I cannot wait until the attorney can in effect sue all fast food restaurants for violating the new laws. And I know that the ant-poaching lawsuit will win because the tech business got caught doing the exact same thing and lost. They had the best attorneys money could buy.

Nothing by complaints, and no one providing any better alternatives. Saying NO is not leadership. Provide a better solution or stop complaining.

By: CA Patriot Tue, 29 Nov 2022 19:36:01 +0000 Instead of focusing on soaring crime, smash& grab looting/ theft, drug dealing/ drug use and vagrancy fostered through Prop 47 and DAs like Bonta, this idiot focuses on so-called “citizens rights” attacking employers and meddling in other states valid concerns for the safety of their children.
Stores, businesses and employers are closing and regularly fleeing this non-serious state run by inept bureaucrats and office holders voted in by the ‘low information’ electorate.
Even a simple tax rebate (MCTR) of earnings returned back to over-taxed residents ends up being a waste of funds and a hassle for some residents. Over 50% of a return of taxpayers earnings through the MCTR was contracted to be via Debit Cards.
Some 3.6 Million debit cards were mailed out to residents, debit cards contracted to a community bank in New York, to access the return of taxpayers earnings the individual needs to register an account with this NY Bank providing the bank your Social Security Number and agreeing to the schedule of fees, personal information sharing and restrictions.
How much did the California bureaucrats pay to this NY Bank to mail out and manage these 3.6 million accounts and debit cards?
Just another massive waste of taxpayer funds and a hassle for residents to share more information and open themselves up to another avenue for identity fraud and/or theft.
Most of these debit cards have been mailed out already, but you have the option to reject the card and the NY Community Bank hassle and request a paper check.
For more information this article provides the phone number to call to cancel the debit card account and request a check payment in full.
“Did you get a California Middle Class Tax Refund debit card? Here’s how to use it, avoid fees”
(KCRA 3, Nov 23, 2022)
“What if you want a check instead of a debit card?
If you received a card, you can call 800-542-9332 and select option 9 to speak to an agent.
You can then say “customer service” to speak to a representative.”

By: HB Tue, 29 Nov 2022 14:50:18 +0000 When Bonita isn’t busy doxing gun owners, he has time for this? A real superhero!

What an unserious, virtue-signaling, silly wanker.

For the purpose of this comment, I am self-identifying as a progressive. Therefore, I am immune from any criticism.?.
