Comments on: FBI, IRS, DEA and SF Prosecutors Shut Down Multi-billion-dollar ‘Hydra’ Cryptocurrency in Darknet A look inside San Jose politics and culture Sat, 21 May 2022 09:53:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Tor Isaksson Sat, 21 May 2022 09:53:44 +0000 Scam in cryptocurrency is a problem and I would even say quite a big one, but it is clearly no bigger than in the fiat world. I am more concerned about the problem in cryptocurrency software. I almost came across a scam trading robot recently, good thing I decided to read reviews and came across where they described it in detail as a scam bot.
So I hope with the measure of cryptocurrency development there will be less scam projects.

By: commuted Fri, 08 Apr 2022 09:11:49 +0000 This is empire baby. We bombed Somalia last week because we can bomb anybody we want. We can charge anyone, anywhere for an American crime. Ooh, selling illegal cigarettes in Budapest, you’re going to an American Jail MF.
