Comments on: Assembly Speaker Rivas Shifts Leadership to Boost Pro-Housing Agenda A look inside San Jose politics and culture Thu, 30 Nov 2023 21:57:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: Not Suckered Thu, 30 Nov 2023 21:57:09 +0000 I’m wondering to what extent these two photographed gentlemen are discussing connections and rewards, both shorter- and longer-term, from their housing promotion agenda.

By: SJ Kulak Thu, 30 Nov 2023 18:54:08 +0000 A pro-housing agenda by progressive democrats will only making housing more expensive.

You want more houses, get out of the way, cut the attached strings / costs / compliances / restrictions / lawsuits, and let capitalism conduct its inevitable race to zero. The more you try to groove this to deliver cosmic justice, the more cost and scarcity you embed. If you really want justice, charge the existing homeowners the impact fees since they have made millions of 1600 sqft ranch homes.
