Comments on: CA Pot Hole Alert: Rise in Electric Vehicles Will Reduce Money for Road Repairs, Trains and Buses A look inside San Jose politics and culture Mon, 08 Jan 2024 02:29:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: SJ Kulak Mon, 08 Jan 2024 02:29:22 +0000 baaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahaha

and they ain’t even green, unless you call green green in Elon’s pocket




By: Not Suckered Sun, 07 Jan 2024 22:21:06 +0000 This should not be a surprise to anyone, even in government, by now, shouldn’t have been to anyone from the start. Also no surprise and obvious is that states, including California where EV use is more prevalent than elsewhere, will need to charge taxes for EV charging, which at least will be applied to DC (fast) or Level 3 chargers and also affect public Level 1s or 2s. It’s more difficult to tax charging at home, by those who charge at home on 120 volt or 240 volt Level 1 or 2 household chargers that are simply using more household wiring and circuits usually for Level 2, and more household power consumption. Requiring certain charging connectors like the current US standards or the increasingly known and popular Tesla alternative design is not a solution since ordinary circuits only need be fitted with the correct socket. Requiring separate circuits and physical chargers, if not separate services(!), even for Level 1 as well as Level 2 for tax purposes (or a separate service that can supply all charging in the home) is the solution, but unwieldy and subject to evasion. The obvious privilege already with expensive vehicles make more appearance here, perhaps accompanied by a sense of entitlement with incentives to switch to or support use of EVs (and outrage at their removal as well as at being taxed) and bitter contempt for taxing home charging, and willingness to evade it, would result in more trouble with tax “remedies” for EV switching losses.

By: Time to be Honest Sat, 06 Jan 2024 22:10:07 +0000 Yes, the all stars forgot the gas tax paid for many critical infrastructure projects – and with the giant and shortsighted push to get people to drive EVs, that means billions less will be available to repair already poorly maintained roadways. How will they offset this loss? Start to charge EV stations and raise taxes on everyone to continue bankrolling what will become a failed industry (EVs). It’s sad many of us with much less money have to pay into this EV system that is terrible for the environment on its current form. Reliant on China – and no real way to recycle/reuse these giant car batteries.

By: Whatever Thu, 04 Jan 2024 22:05:38 +0000 Due to the weight of the batteries EVs are considerably heavier, causing significantly more stress and damage to roads than traditional ICE vehicles do as well.
